Announcing a New Partnership

Cornerstone's Growing Network
Cornerstone's mission is to mend, stregthen and build lives, especially among the broken, the vulnerable, and the young. We will accomplish this by subsidizing care, counseling, and educational services for children, teens, and families. In a perfect world, everyone would get the help they need from skilled and compassionate educators and caregiviers. In our world, the people who most need help are the least likely to be able to afford it.

Churches are often the first stop for hurting individuals and families. Yet, churches are often understaffed and under resourced. Pastors do not usually get training in care and counseling. Our latest partner, Better Shepherds, help churches and pastoral/lay counselors respond competently and compassionately. Caregivers who complete certifications through one of our training partnerships become eligible for Cornerstone subsidies to offer their services to low- or no-income individuals and families.

Thank you, Better Shepherds, for all you do!

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